Clarity! (word)

“He is releasing the gift of worship, the posture of worship in your heart.  You have the key to the words of knowledge, the gift of healing.  Healing anointing come in the name of Jesus.  Discernment, discernment of spirits.  You are able to walk into atmospheres as an intercessor.  I hear intercessory worship over your life.  Your worship shifts the room around you.  As soon as you open your mouth the atmosphere has to change.  The atmosphere has to shift and then clarity comes.  You are a woman of clarity.  You are a woman that carries the clarity of His eyes.  When people look into your eyes, they will be restored and delivered.  I feel this gift is in His perfect timing.  You are ready for this.  He only gives you gifts when you are ready because He knows that His blessings won’t crush you. 

You are a trusted woman.  He trusts you.  He trusts you with His heart and the hearts of others.  I am feeling there is a spirit of counsel on your life.  People are going to come and receive comfort and counsel for their life because of His Spirit that is inside of you.  He is the comforter and counselor.    You are going to step into your counseling gifting as well.  I thank you God for the clarity of every word of knowledge that she gets, that she would have the courage to know that it is absolutely from you and not her.  I rebuke any lie from the enemy that has caused her to attach to any of these things.  Right now in the name of Jesus you have the mind of Christ.  You have a deflector in the Spirit that says that is not from you, enemy.  Yes, thank you God for that mind of Christ and the mind of clarity that comes in Your gifts.  I thank You Jesus that she is partnering with worship in this season.  You are a wild worshipper.  You are a wild one!  It’s time.  It’s time to step into the wild side.  It’s time!  You are a woman of fire.  You are a woman of courage.  You are a lioness.   It’s about time.”

“Worship has some value in your life.   It is not just something you do to be able to sing a song or make the day pretty.  It is really a part of your core.  I want to celebrate the gifts that you have been given.  Right now you have been given a gift to be able to feel the people around you and be able to flip that over for the Father’s good.  I pray that anointing over you.  That you feel well, you hear well, you love well, and you live well.  I want to bless you with that. If there is anything in your daughter’s body, I just remove it in the name of Jesus.  Holy Spirit, just wash over Susan.  I see waves of the ocean just come and the shore of the ocean is never the same with each wave.  But it’s always beautiful with You.  So Father, just continue to wash over Your beautiful daughter.  Bless her in her relationships, bless her in her job, bless her in her church.  Wash over her Father, like the gentle ocean waves on the shore.  In Jesus name, amen.”

Published by Susan Rice

I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I am humbled that He calls me His own! I am learning to walk more boldly and confidently in who He has created me to be. My prayer is others will come to know Jesus as their Savior, identify with who they are in Him so they too can walk out the calling He’s places on their lives!

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